Capitol City Produce CEO Featured In Baton Rouge Business Report
President and CEO, Capitol City Produce
“The best advice that was ever given to me was actually not verbal. It was displayed to me in the character traits of my grandfather and father. That trait is work ethic. I learned from a very young age what working hard and honoring your commitments looked like, and how it was one of the most important factors for success. Over the years as the company has grown it has been great to see that same work ethic in the Capitol City Produce employees. Our team is very passionate and driven about the work that they do, not only for our customers but also for the community.”
AGE: 48
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Ferachi grew up in the family business started by his grandfather, Vince Ferachi, in 1947. He remembers his life at a young age revolving around produce. “At the age of 10 I was driving forklifts and eventually assumed the role of president and CEO of the company in 1995,” Ferachi says.
IN THE NEWS: In 2015 Capitol City Produce received a Safe Quality Foods Level 2 Certification with a score of “excellent.” The certification is achieved when a company demonstrates exceptional quality control and food safety practices. A third-party audit is conducted by a qualified inspector to evaluate different aspects of a company’s food safety program, including personnel practices, plant maintenance and cleanliness, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points plans, and food safety programs. The business also recently redesigned over 50 delivery trucks to better project the clean, fresh image of the company’s brand.